Conferences, colloquia, seminars,…



October 2020

The EU Recovery Plan should be geared towards education, research and innovation




27-29 October 2020

G-STIC 2020 Thematic Session Education


Conference Info:


15-17 October 2020

Safe Schools and Education Rights in a Post Pandemic Era

Organised in cooperation with Ereky Public Law Research Center (PPCU) and the Commissioner for Educational Rights (Hungary)




20-22 November 2019

G-STIC 2019 Thematic Session Education

Draft programme

Conference Info:

13-28 October 2019

Visit to Edu-HRight Research Unit, at the NWU campus, Potchefstroom (South Africa) and at parliamentary Committee discussions, Cape Town (South Africa).

 – Meeting with Master’s and PhD education law students, at NWU, Potchefstroom (South Africa).

– A faculty wide Collaborative Double-Barrelled Seminar, themes are : ‘Hate speech or freedom of expression: Where do we draw the line? A European-South African sociological and educational perspective’, ‘Values in Education and Citizenship. A cross- cultural perspective’ and ‘Good Governance’, at NWU, Potchefstroom (South Africa).

– Lecture ‘Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, South African Children (section 28), education (section 29), social security and care (section 27) plus language rights’, at Vanderbijlpark Campus (South Africa).

– BRICS Education: A new dawn, Working lunch with Edu-HRight members (BRICS Group).

– Lecture at the Seminar: ‘Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4: The importance of educational freedom’, at the Parliament of South Africa, Cape Town (South Africa).

– Meetings with parliamentarians, other politicians, officials, policy makers, civil society groups, home educators, at the Parliament of South Africa, Cape Town (South Africa).

Program (part 1)

Program (part 2)


8-9 October 2019

International Seminar – Law and Education

Organised by the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights, Brasila (Brazil)


3-4 October 2019

Conference : Inter-regionalism, Sustainability and African Development: Promoting an EU-Africa-China Trialogue

Jointly organised by Jean Monnet Network ‘The European Union, Africa, and China in the Global Age’, Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations, Belgium, EU-Asia Centre, Brussels, Belgium, University of Bradford, UK


22-24 May 2019

Freedom, autonomy and responsibility. Finding the balance in Catholic education and the law in a global context.

A conference hosted by Australian Catholic University in collaboration with The Kellogg Institute for International Studies and the Institute for Educational Initiatives, University of Notre Dame (USA);

the Congregation for Catholic Education; and the European Association for Education Law and Policy.

Downloads : Conference Flyer, Draft Program
Registration : 
Venue : Australian Catholic University, Sydney

6-16 April 2019

Visit to Brazil :

– Lecture on “Academic Freedom” at the “International Dialogues of Right to Education” at the University of Sao Paolo (Brazil).

– Lecture “Homeschooling: an alternative to public or private education” at the “Post-Graduate Program in Education” of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

– Keynote lecture on “Education in Human Rights in the contemporary world” and thematic panel on “Homeschooling” at the Seminar “100 Days of Government: Priority Agenda on Human Rights”, at the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights, Brasília/DF (Brazil).  Program

– Class on “Future challenges of Education Law and Policy” at the Law School of the Universidade Federal de Bahia, Salvador de Bahia (Brazil).

16 January 2019

International Workshop on Refugees and Education  

Venue: Portugal (Lisbon)

14-15 January 2019

International Seminar on Parental Rights and School Choice 

Venue: Portugal (Lisbon)


14 December 2018

International Conference on Good Governance in Higher Education

Venue: Belgium (Brussels)

28-29 November 2018

World Conference G-STIC 2018 28 November 2018 

Venue: Belgium (Brussels)
programme – online info

13 November 2018

International Seminar on ‘Education Poverty en Resilience’

Venue: Russia (Moscow – HSE Center for Educational Law of the Institute of Education of the National research university ‘Higher school of economics’)

12 November 2018

International Conference on Multilevel Governance in Education: Top-down Governance, Transfer of Authority and Regional Cooperation

Venue: Russia (Moscow – HSE Center for Educational Law of the Institute of Education of the National research university ‘Higher school of economics’)


2-6 October 2017

ELA closed workshops, Moscow (Russia)


24-30 September 2017

EduLAw Internship, Belgium


4-10 June 2017

EduLAw Internship, Kaunas (Lithuania)


25 April – 5 May 2017

EduLAw meeting, Tirana and Durrës (Albania)


2-4 February 2017

EduLAw meeting,Moscow (Russia)



2-3 November 2016

EduLAw meeting, Bialystok (Poland), 2-3 November 2016 


November 2015 –
October 2019

The ERASMUS + Application (573540-EPP-1-2016-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP ) “Introducing Modules on Law and Rights in Programmes of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences” introduced with the consortium including ELA, is approved by the Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission. 

Grant: 943.663,00 euro 

Coordinator: Prof. Gracienne Lauwers

19-22 October 2016

‘The Justiciability of the Prior Right to Education – The Role of Civil Society for the Awareness, Advocacy and Accountability of the Right to Education’

ELA Conference in Co-operation with the Pázmány Péter Catholic University and Launching of the Global Education Law Forum (GELF)
Budapest (Hungary)

 30 May – 8 June 2016

ELA Intensive Summerschool on Education La

“European Education Law”
Kaunas (Lithuania) 

20 April 2016

Conference ‘20th Anniversary: The Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National Minorities’

organised by the OSCE at the Royal Theatre
The Hague (The Netherlands)

25-27 March 2016

Closed expert seminar

„Education Law Reforms”
Tirana (Albania)

8-12 March 2016

Global Home Education Conference 2016 

Conference Venue: Windsor Florida Hotel, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 

12-14 February 2016

Closed workshop on the Erasmus+ applications

Vilnius (Lithuania)


November 2015 –
October 2019

The ERASMUS + Application (573540-EPP-1-2016-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP ) “Introducing Modules on Law and Rights in Programmes of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences” introduced with the consortium including ELA, is approved by the Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission. 

Grant: 943.663,00 euro 

Coordinator: Prof. Gracienne Lauwers

17-20 November 2015

ELA-World Congress  ‘Educating Today and Tomorrow, A Renewing Passion’

co-organized by the Congregation for Catholic Education and the European Association for Education Law and Policy, at Castelgandolfo
Rome (Italy)

World Congress Rome site – ELA programme – Conference Manual

28-29 September 2015

Seminar ‘European, International, Intercultural and Pluri-linguistic Component of Quality in Education’,

University of Trento 
Trento (Italy)
info – website


10 December 2014

Education as a Fundamental Issue: The National and European Perspective 

Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Angelo Sraffa Department of Legal Studies (Italy)

10-16 September 2014

International seminar ‘Rights and Freedoms in Education – Balancing the Interests of State and Citizens’

Kyiv (Ukraine)

27 July – 1 August 2014

Summer school: ‘Comparing Constitutional Adjudication in Education’ 

University of Trento (Italy)
cocoa project

4-10 April 2014

Expert Meetings on Education Law and Policy

at the University of the Free State and of the South African Education Law and Policy Association (SAELPA) at the University of Potchefstroom (South-Africa) and the Education Department, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein (South-Africa)

17-20 March 2014

Intensive course: ‘Education Law, Contemporary Themes’

University of São Paulo (Brazil)  


ELA Teamleader of the EU Project ‘Rule of Law – Higher Legal Education in Iraq’

meetings with the Iraqi beneficiaries and stakeholders
Erbil (Iraq)

5-6 October 2013

International Conference on “The Governance of Education in a Multicultural Society” 

Trento (Italy)
programmeregistrationmore info

13-14 September 2013

Annual ELA conference Coping with New Legal Challenges in Education

organized by European Association for Education Law and Policy
Kaunas (Lithuania)

13-14 September 2013

Dignity in Education

Building Safe Schools for Children with Rights 
Kaunas (Lithuania)

18-23 June 2013

ELA Teamleader of the EU Project ‘Rule of Law – Higher Legal Education in Iraq’

meetings with the Iraqi beneficiaries and stakeholders 
Erbil (Iraq)


8-10 November 2012

2nd Worldconference on the Right to and Rights in Education

info & programme

13-14 September 2013

Dignity in Education

Building Safe Schools for Children with Rights 
Kaunas (Lithuania)

13 September 2012

Language Policies and Legal Action to overcome Language Barriers in Education

info & programme

26-28 February 2012

Seminar on ‘Parental Rights in Education’ 

info about the project and the seminar

8-12 February 2012

Conference on ‘Islam (Instruction) in State-Funded Schools

info about the project and the conference  – programme


17-18 November 2011

Participation in the conference ‘The Independent Sector & Diversity in Education: Creating a Learning Society’ 

Warsaw (Poland)

10-11 November 2011

Participation in the conference ‘Higher Education in the Framework of the 2020 European Union’s Strategy’ 

Lisbon (Portugal)

4 November 2011

Participation in the roundtable ‘Multi-level Governance in Education’ 

Torino (Italy)

4 June 2011

Participation in the International Conference on ‘Effective School: Success Factors’ 

Kiev (Ukraine)

9 May 2011

Participation in the conference ‘Het aanhoudend recht op pluriform onderwijs(recht)’ 

Rotterdam (the Netherlands)

22-23 March 2011

Participation in the workshop on ‘Education to Intercultural Dialogue’ 

Padua (Italy)

31 January 2011

Participation in the European Youth Day 

Brussels (Belgium)
link – programme

13-14 January 2011

Participation in the second German-Belgian Conference on ‘Strengthening the Integration Nexus: Integration, Religion and Education’ 

Berlin (Germany)


13 December 2010

Conference on ‘The Future of European Universities after Bologna’ 

Brussels (Belgium)
programme – presentations: Ulrich Teichler, Daniel Zajfman, Gülsün Saglamer, Jo Ritzen, Peter Maassen, Philippe De Buck, Sophia Eriksson

7-9 December 2010

International conference on ‘Religion, Beliefs, Philosophical Convictions and Education: From Passive Toleration to Active Appreciation of Diversity’

Bruges (Belgium) 

20-31 July 2010

13 December 2010

Green paper

The EU mission in education and research: available legal tools for  policy development in the next decade and beyond.  Towards embedded mobility and European quality assurance

Cover letter to President Junker

Green paper


28 April 2010

Closed Dutch-Flemish symposium on ‘Religion and the public sphere’ 
Tilburg (Netherlands) 

7-11 April 2010

Roundtable: Cultural pluralism revisited: religious and linguistic freedoms 
Irmgard Coninx Stiftung
Berlin (Germany)
programme flyer

21-22 March 2010

Closed seminar on ‘the European dimensions of education policies’ 
Maastricht  (Netherlands)


4-5 December 2009

International Seminar on the Right to Education 
Bahia (Brasil)

27-28 November 2009

International Conference on Steering Autonomous Universities: European Perspectives 
Vienna (Austria)

21 November 2009

Piet Akkermans Lectures 2009
Laura Lundy – Queen’s University Belfast ‘The 20th Anniversary of the Convention of the Child: the impact on education rights in Europe’ 
Hans-Eberhard Zahn – Stiftung Gedenkstätte Berlin-Hohenschönhausen ‘The 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall – Using the remains of the Stasi headquarters as a space for truth and for educating against indifference’
Antwerp (Belgium)

20-21 November 2009

Annual ELA Conference
Public-Private Partnership in Education:  the economic value of education, competition in education, and the limits of commercialisation of education 

Antwerp (Belgium) 
programme – questionaire: DOC PDF – registration: DOC – PDF 

19 November 2009

Closed workshop on corruption in education 
Antwerp (Belgium) 

22-26 October 2009

Transitional justice and education: Memory Politics – Media, Education, Museums 
Irmgard Coninx Stiftung
Berlin (Germany)
Memory Politics

20-31 August 2009

Intensive Summerschool Programme on International, European and Comparative Education Law and Policy
Antwerp (Belgium)
ELA summer school 2009 cases and regulations  – presentations

25-29 June 2009

UNESCO Chargé de Mission and the Flemish University presidents visit Palestinian Universities 

11-12 June 2009

Education in Ukraine – the development of private educational establishments 

25-27 April 2009

The Bologna Process: Converging the Legal Rule in the European Higher Education Area
Antwerp (Belgium)
Comparative Analysis



18-23 March 2009

Conference on Urban Governance: Innovation, Insecurity and the Power of Religion
International Essay Competition and Workshop
Berlin (Germany) 
Irmgard Coninx Stiftung 



19 February 2009

Conferentie over “Financiering van Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschap” 
Ingericht door Universiteit Amsterdam, SDU Uitgevers, Science Guide, TriasNet Consultants



17-18 February 2009

Closed workshop on the quality of educational legislation
Antwerp (Belgium)



10-11 January 2009

Participation in the workshop on advocacy for fulfillment of human rights in education through a solid knowledge base and strong civil society support in Turkey 
Istanbul (Turkey)


08-09 December 2008

ESF (European Science Foundation)
Straatsburg (France)
link ESF



25-28 November 2008

‘Inclusive Education: The Way of the Future’
UNESCO, IBE (International Bureau for Education)
Geneve – Switzerland



30 October 2008

Brussels – Belgium
link ECNAIS – link EYG



23 October 2008

Day of the researcher
Brussels – Belgium
link FWO – link Kennismakers


20-22 October 2008

Participation of experts in the fifth EDEN research Workshop: ‘Researching and promoting access to education and training: the role of distance education and e-learning in technology-enhanced environments’
link Eden


16-19 October 2008

Ninth Berlin Roundtables on civic education in divided societies
Berlin (Germany) 
draft programme

13-14 October 2008

ELA closed workshop on the role of courts in advancing the implementation of the right to education 
Berlin (Germany)


29 September – 2 October 2008

Participation of experts in the IAUP conference: ‘The Role of Universities in Educating the Universal Citizen” 
Vina del Mar – Chili
link IAUP – programme


12-14 September 2008

E.P.L.O. (European Group of Public Law)
Administrations sans frontières? Loi Européenne sur l’Immigration
Athens – Greece
link EPLC – programme



20-31 July 2008

Intensive Programme on International and Comparative Education
Law and Policy and the UNESCO chair on the Right to Education 
Antwerp (Belgium)

11-16 June 2008

Conference on urbanisation and the risks of ethnic segregation
Organised by the Irmgard Coninx Stiftung
Berlin (Germany) 

6-7 June 2008

SCM conference on governance and quality assurance and accreditation
in higher education, with European and Balkan experts 

Tirana (Albania)

11-15 May 2008

SCM second intensive course on external quality assurance and accreditation for
Azerbaijani experts 

Antwerp (Belgium) 

8 May 2008

ELA Piet Akkermans Lecture at the College of Europe 
Bruges (Belgium) 
programme Enprogramme Nl

4-9 May 2008

SCM second intensive course on external quality assurance and accreditation for
Albanese experts 

Antwerp (Belgium)

15-16 April 2008

Fact-finding mission at the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt Cairo (Egypt), and at the Cairo UNESCO office in Cairo
Cairo (Egypt)

9-13 April 2008

SCM conference on governance and quality assurance and accreditation in
higher education
Baku (Azerbaijan) 
Publications: Publ01  Publ02  Publ03  Publ04  Publ05

7-8 April 2008

Closed workshops on cooperation on the Right to Education in Turkey 
Istanbul (Turkey)

2-5 April 2008

Workshop on the quality of educational legislation with African experts, and
European and American experts
Boston University (USA) 
introduction programme Martin Luther King newspaper ‘Magisterio’

10-16 March 2008

Fact-finding mission to Kenya (Africa) 
tentative programme 
Mission delayed due to the turmoil that followed December’s 2007 disputed

20-25 January 2008

SCM intensive course on internal quality assurance and accreditation for
Albanese experts
Antwerp (Belgium)

13-18 January 2008

SCM intensive course on quality assurance and accreditation for Azerbaijani

Antwerp (Belgium)
programme – Publications: Publ01 Publ02 Publ03 Publ04 Publ05

7-10 January 2008

Closed roundtable with Israeli and Palestinian and European experts on a
partnership for peace and the promotion of active citizenship through



14-16 December 2007

Conference on Decentralisation and Municipalisation and on the role of Local
Authorities and Autonomy of Schools in Education
Lisbon (Portugal) 
programme  concluding remarks

23-24 July 2007

Closed workshop at UNESCO on the implementation of the constitutional right to education  
Paris (France) 

16 July 2007

Follow-up of the International conference on accountability and good
governance in higher education
Brussels (Belgium) 

25-30 June 2007

Intensive training on quality control and accreditation within the Bologna process 
Antwerp (Belgium) 

25-26 May 2007

International conference on accountability and good governance in higher education 
Yalta (Ukraine) 
programme  Yalta conference paper 1 – Yalta conference paper 2

27 April 2007

Piet Akkermans Lecture and T.O.R.B. Colloquium 
The right to and rights in education – under the protection of the judge: Retrospection and future perspectives 


21-22 April 2006

International Conference on the Legal Aspects of Quality Assurance and Accreditation, 
organized in conjunction with the University of Salzburg,
financed by and convened under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of Austria
programme concluding remarks

02-03 April 2006

Fact-finding mission to Istanbul (Turkey) 
hosted by the Istanbul Policy Center, Sabanci University

30 March – 01 April 2006

Fact-finding mission to Baku (Azerbaijan) 
hosted by Minister Mardanov, Minister of Education of Azerbaijan

10-12 February 2006

International Conference (Athens) on European Higher Education Institutions in the 21st Century: What Prospects? 

19-22 January 2006

International Conference (Kiev) on “Ukrainian Legislation on Education and the Church” 


03-05 November 2005

International Conference (Brasilia) 
Organized by the Ministry of Education of Brazil, in cooperation with UNESCO and with the participation of ELA

24 June 2005

ELA board meeting 

04 March 2005

ELA board meeting 
Participation at the International Conference on Federalism Working Group 2.2. The Distribution Of Responsibilities For Education, Culture And Youth Policy

17-19 February 2005

Cooperation with education law experts from the RUSSIAN FEDERATION 
– 19 february 2005 League for Education Law and Policy (Moscow) images

– 18 february 2005 Ministry, Duma and Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation

– 17 february 2005 RUDN (Peoples’ Friendship University)


13-16 November 2003

08-12 July 2003

Workshop with the league of the Russian Federation

30 June 2003

Study on Comparative Law on
“Teaching religion in elementary and secondary public (state) schools”



1st European Cultural and Educational Forum
(including Conference on Competition in Education)


Conference on Quality Control in higher and non higher Education


08-09 June 2001

Conference on Decentralisation, Distribution of Powers and Quality Control in Higher Education 

24-27 May 2001

Conference on Equality in Education and its Application by the Court in European Perspective 


Conference on Special Education in Europe



Conference on Responsibility in Education



Conference on Art and Education



Conference on Autonomy in Education


Democracy and Governance in Higher Education 



Conference on current Problems in an urban Society



Conference on the Legal Status of Pupils



Conference on Minorities in Education



Conference on the legal Status of Teachers in Europe



Conference on Subsidiarity and Education

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