Parental Rights in Education
Parental Rights in Education
Description of the action
The rights of parents to take the key responsibility for the upbringing of their children is guaranteed in various conventions and in constitutions of European member states. Much of upbringing and learning takes place in the home. Parents are not seen as bystanders in the world of upbringing and education. For pedagogic reasons it is important that staff at childcare institutions and schools and parents understand one another. As values play a large part in the upbringing, it is essential that parents take part in that discussion. Democratic states should welcome and promote the formation of parental associations.
Start date:
February 2012
Coordinating institutions:
European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA)
European Council of National Associations of Independent Schools (ECNAIS)
Contact details of the coordinator:
Dr. Gracienne Lauwers
European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA)
Principle results:
- Seminar (February 2012)
- A video tutorial on parental rights in education with subtitles in various European languages
- On-line ebook for ipad with the country reports to be downloaded from the project website
- Questionnaire (download as pdf file)
Target group:
Education law and policy experts, professionals in parental organizations, professionals in non-governmental schools
Registration of the participants
Venue: University of Antwerp City Campus – Room Walschapskamer – Prinsstraat 13, Antwerp
How does the law regulate the legal relationship between school authorities and parents:
– on school choice and admission?
– on the school project?
How does the law regulate the legal relationship between school authorities and parents on the exercise of fundamental rights within the school?
University of Antwerp City Campus – Agora (corner of Grote Kauwenberg and Vekestraat)
Venue: University of Antwerp City Campus – Walschapskamer – Prinsstraat 13, Antwerp
How does the law regulate the legal relationship between school authorities and parents on the application of disciplinary measures/ questioning of pupils?
How does the law regulate the legal relationship between school authorities and parents:
– on curriculum development?
– on the quality of education?
Dinner in the Foyer of the Bourlaschouwburg
Venue: Foyer Bourlaschouwburg – at the Komedieplaats 18, Antwerp
Country reports and cases
A compilation of country reports that will be elaborated during the course of the project by the participants of the project or other experts, and that are directly linked with the project focus, will be published in the peer reviewed International Journal for Education Law and Policy (IJELP), the official Journal of ‘The European Association for Education Law and Policy’.
To order the publication:
Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Greece Hungary Netherlands Portugal Spain
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